Student Conduct Review Process

(1) The Director of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity (SCAI) or designee receives and reviews a written report alleging misconduct. Where deemed necessary to protect the safety and well-being of others, of the university, or of property, the Director of SCAI or designee, upon notifying the VP of Student Success and Well-Being (SSWB) or designee, may take immediate action to resolve the safety/well-being concern by placing the student on interim suspension.

If the accused student’s privileges are temporarily suspended, but the student is subsequently found not responsible for the violation, the university must: (i) Correct any record of the change in enrollment status in the accused student’s permanent records and reports in a manner compliant with state and federal laws; and (ii) Refund to the accused student a pro rata portion of any charges for tuition and out-of-state fees, as appropriate, if the temporary revocation or suspension of the student’s ability to attend classes lasts for more than ten (10) school days.

(2) Case is assigned to an SCAI staff member.

(3) SCAI staff member sends written notification to charged student indicating the alleged violation(s) and information regarding a preliminary conference. Students who do not attend this preliminary conference will receive a hold on their account that will prevent registration for future semesters.

(4) At the preliminary conference the student will receive information regarding the Student Conduct Review Process,  an opportunity to inspect and/or review the information known at the time charges are prepared, and provide information regarding the alleged incident.

(5) At the conclusion of the meeting, SCAI recommends an option for resolution of the disciplinary charges.

Additional procedures in Cases of Sexual Misconduct and/or Interpersonal Violence.

Where a student is charged with sexual misconduct and/or interpersonal violence, the procedures outlined in UCF-5.006(10) will apply in addition to the procedures of the Student Conduct Review Process outlined above.

For additional information regarding the Student Conduct Review Process, refer to UCF-5.009 in the Golden Rule Student Handbook.


Options for Case Resolution of Disciplinary Charges

Case Dismissal

The Director of SCAI or designee may dismiss a case if it is found to not have sufficient facts or information to substantiate the claim of misconduct, the accused person is not a student, or the action claimed as misconduct is not a violation of the Code of Conduct.

Informal Resolution Conference

At the discretion of SCAI, violations found not to warrant a formal hearing may be referred to an Informal Resolution Conference. At the Informal Resolution Conference, the charged student has the opportunity to accept responsibility for the charges of violation of the Code of Conduct.

At the informal level the matter will be settled by the following outcomes: punitive sanction (Disciplinary Warning, Disciplinary Probation or Disciplinary Deferred Suspension) as well as educational sanctions.

The outcomes from an Informal Resolution Conference process (decision of responsibility and sanctions) are final and are not eligible to be appealed (UCF-5.010).

Formal Hearing

If an alleged violation of the Code of Conduct is not dismissed or otherwise resolved, then SCAI shall move forward with the formal hearing process. The student may choose whether they would prefer a panel or an administrative hearing.

The hearing body makes recommendations in regard to whether to find the student in violation or not in violation of the charge(s).

If the student is found in violation of the charge(s), the hearing body will make recommendations of sanctions to the Director of SCAI or designee.


Depending on the nature and severity of the alleged violation, Student Conduct & Academic Integrity may recommend formal mediation as an alternative to disciplinary action. The involved parties must each agree to mediation.