Review Process FAQ

The Golden Rule student handbook applies to all UCF students and student organizations both on and off campus.

The letter contains information about an alleged violation of the Rules of Conduct and the corresponding violation(s) found in The Golden Rule. Once you read your letter, please contact us to confirm your appointment.

A hold will remain on your account until your case is resolved.

At this meeting, you will meet with a Student Conduct & Academic Integrity (SCAI) staff member to talk about the alleged violation. You will be able to share any information that you have and view the information that our office has received. The staff member will explain the conduct process and discuss how your case may be resolved.

There are several options and the SCAI staff member will go over the options with you at your meeting.

Informal Resolution

Certain cases are eligible for informal resolution. Eligible cases involve violations that not too egregious in nature and require you to accept responsibility for the charges. During an informal administrative hearing, the SCAI staff member recommends sanctions to the Director of Student Conduct & Academic Integrity. The SCAI staff member will tell you what the recommendations are during your meeting.

Formal Resolution

Certain cases must be resolved formally. If the alleged violation is egregious in nature or if you do not believe you are in violation of the charges, then the case will be resolved formally. A hearing is a chance for you to provide any information you know about the alleged violation. At a formal hearing, members of our Student Conduct Board hear the case and make their recommendation to the Director of Student Conduct & Academic Integrity. They recommend whether or not to find you in violation for the charge. If they recommend to find you in violation, they will also recommend sanctions to be imposed.

There are two types of formal hearings: administrative and panel hearings. The process for both hearings is exactly the same, however the difference is the number of Student Conduct Board members hearing the case. Administrative hearings have one faculty/staff member present to hear the case. Panel hearings have two (2) students and two (2) faculty/staff members present to hear the case.

Yes, students are allowed to have ONE (1) advisor accompany them to their meetings. It is at the student's own expense and initiative to bring an advisor to any meetings with Student Conduct and Academic Integrity.

It is the student’s responsibility to make appropriate arrangements for the advisor to attend the meeting/hearing, and the meeting/hearing shall not be delayed due to scheduling conflicts of the chosen advisor.

The student may have at their own expense and initiative, an advisor, advocate, or legal representative to be present and who can fully participate in the disciplinary proceeding (i.e., informal resolution conference or formal hearing). It is the student’s responsibility to make appropriate arrangements for the advisor, advocate, or legal representative to attend the preliminary conference or disciplinary proceeding(s), and the disciplinary proceeding(s) shall not be delayed due to scheduling conflicts of the chosen advisor, advocate, or legal representative. An advisor, advocate, or legal representative may not serve as a witness during any a disciplinary proceeding. The student may consult with their advisor, advocate, or legal representative at any time during the preliminary conference or disciplinary proceeding(s). This consultation must take place in a manner that does not disrupt the preliminary conference or disciplinary proceeding(s). If the advisor, advocate, or legal representative does not adhere to their defined role in the Student Conduct Review Process, they may be removed from the disciplinary proceeding.

Students must fill out a FERPA waiver and email it to their staff member or from their Knights email prior to their meeting and/or hearing.

Student Government (SG) Judicial Advisor(s) may assist you with finding an advisor or may act as your advisor.  The SG Judicial Advisor(s) may be reached at (407) 823-3291 or by emailing More information about SG Judicial Advisors may be found at

You may also choose your own advisor that is not from SG. This person can be a friend, family member, faculty or staff member etc. However, an advisor may not participate as a witness.

If you are found responsible of the Code of Conduct, you will be assigned sanctions. Student Conduct & Academic Integrity administers two types of sanctions: educational and punitive. Both types of sanctions are given to students found in violation through the informal or formal resolution processes.

Educational Sanctions:

These are educational activities such as classes, reflection or research papers, interviews, restitution, community service, and many more.

Punitive Sanctions:

There are six punitive sanctions outlined The Golden Rule. They are: Disciplinary Warning, Disciplinary Probation, Disciplinary Deferred Suspension, Disciplinary Suspension, Dismissal, and Expulsion. Please see The Golden Rule for further description of each of these sanctions.

In most cases, the punitive sanctions range from Disciplinary Probation to Disciplinary Suspension. Our sanctions range depending on:

  • The nature of the violation (what you did)
  • Prior violations/previous disciplinary history (what have you done before)
  • Mitigating circumstances surrounding the violation (unusual circumstances that had an impact on you or this violation)
  • Your motivation for the behavior (why you chose to do what you did)
  • Sanctions involved in cases involving similar violations (precedent cases)
  • The developmental and educational impact (how is this going to affect you in the short and long term)

Should you participate in the formal hearing process, you have a right to appeal a decision made by the Director of SCAI. Students found responsible for academic misconduct have ten (10) business days to appeal from the day a decision is rendered. Students found responsible for non-academic misconduct related violations have ten (10) business days to appeal from the day a decision is rendered.

Students who are given the opportunity and choose to resolve their case through the informal administrative hearing are not eligible to appeal the final decision.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that protects the privacy of students’ educational records, including disciplinary records. The University will not release or permit access to educational records except as otherwise permitted by law. There are several exceptions to FERPA which allow for educational records to be released or shared. For example, your record may be accessed by you, by your parents if you are a minor or dependent student, by any other person with the written consent, or in response to a court order. This educational record may also be shared with other members of the academic community with a legitimate need to know, including if there is a concern for your health and safety or the health and safety of others. Decisions resulting in suspension, dismissal, and/or expulsion will be noted on your academic transcript.