Parent/Guardian FAQ

We may notify parents or guardians if their student has an alcohol violation or a drug violation as allowed by the amendments to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. This act governs the release of educational records. We encourage students to speak with their parents or guardians and believe that as adults, students should take responsibility for initiating the conversation. We also encourage students to sign releases that allow us to speak with parents about a situation, so that we can all work together to resolve it and help the student. In addition, you may be notified if there is an imminent risk to the student’s health, safety, or welfare.

No. It is the practice of Student Conduct & Academic Integrity to communicate directly to the student as well as allow the student to inspect and review information. Student Conduct & Academic Integrity will not communicate with you in place of the student; however, the completed FERPA release is needed for you to serve as the student's advisor, advocate, or legal representative during the disciplinary proceeding.

At least five (5) business days before the informal resolution conference or formal hearing (disciplinary proceeding), the University will provide the student with the opportunity to inspect all known information relating to the allegation(s), including inculpatory and exculpatory information. The University also has the right to review any information the student intends to use at the informal resolution conference or formal hearing at least five (5) business days before the informal resolution conference or formal hearing. During a formal hearing, only such information that is determined to be “Relevant Information” will be allowed.

Should you wish to review this information with your student, it is your responsibility to make arrangements with the student to review the documents. Copies of the documents will not be provided outside of the documents shared with the student.

You can help to guide the student through the process and be supportive while holding the student accountable to your expectations and the university’s. You can also help identify and provide necessary interventions, such as alcohol or drug evaluations, anger management, and others, so that your student can be successful at UCF. Allow and expect the student to set appointments, attend meetings, and fulfill sanctions. It is usually not helpful to the educational development of the student, or resolution of the matter, for you to take over the process from your student.

The student may have an advisor present, who may be a parent/guardian. The role of the advisor is to support and advise the student but not to speak for or represent the student. You may whisper to the student or write the student notes.

No. Some students choose to have an attorney accompany them. An attorney may serve as an advisor but the student may not be represented by counsel. Once again, attorneys like parents/guardians cannot speak on behalf of the student, but can whisper or write notes to the student.

Sanctions are determined by considering the following factors: nature of the violation, the student’s role in the incident, the effect of the incident on others and on the student, the student’s developmental and educational needs, and the student’s prior disciplinary record. Mitigating and aggravating circumstances are considered.

Probation lasts for a specific period of time, and is usually implemented by semesters. It is notice to the student that any violation of the Rules of Conduct or the conditions of probation committed during the probationary period will subject the student to further disciplinary action.

Only students who participate in the formal hearing process may appeal a disciplinary decision. The university has one level of appeal. The appellate officer is the Vice President for Student Success and Well-Being or their designee. That appeal can then be submitted on three basis: 1) Severity of sanction; 2) Process was not followed; and/or 3) New information available that was not available at the time of the original hearing. For more information, see:

If a student is suspended or dismissed from the university, a notation will be placed in the student’s academic transcript for the period of the separation. If the student is expelled, a notation will remain on the transcript permanently. For any student receiving a sanction less serious than suspension or expulsion, notations are not placed on the academic transcripts.

A student’s conduct case record will be maintained in Student Conduct & Academic Integrity. The case record of students found responsible for charges against them, with sanctions less than suspension or expulsion, will generally be maintained in Student Conduct & Academic Integrity for seven years from the calendar year of record, after which they are destroyed. The case record of a student who has been placed on Disciplinary Suspension or Expulsion will be permanently maintained as official records by Student Conduct & Academic Integrity

A disciplinary record does not automatically exclude a student from further study, jobs, etc. That usually depends on the type or severity of misconduct in which a student is involved. A disciplinary record may lead an admissions office to more closely evaluate the student’s application. We will only release information about a student’s disciplinary record to another school or potential employer as allowed by the records policy, or with the permission of the student.

Policies are designed to support the university’s educational mission. They are meant to support a safe environment where people can work, study, and live without undue interference. They are also designed to build and support the academic and social community, teach students responsibility and interdependence, as well as promote moral and ethical development.

The criminal justice system and the Rules of Conduct are not mutually exclusive. By virtue of being a student, your student is held responsible for upholding the standards of behavior in the Golden Rule Student Handbook, as well as public laws.

The university has an interest in maintaining a safe community and appropriate standards of conduct for its students. This includes both on-campus and off-campus behavior, which can have an impact on the university community and the university mission.

Developmentally this is a period of exploration, experimentation, and testing for students. They may be in a period of transition from late adolescence to adulthood. They may also be away from home and the daily influence of their parents for the first time. As students are testing the beliefs and values they learned at home, they may make choices that are inconsistent with these values. Such testing is part of the developmental process and is normal. However, students must also learn that the choices they make may not be healthy and may have consequences.

Phone Mon-Fri: 8am - 5pm
Phone 407-823-4638
Fax 407-823-4544
Location Ferrell Commons, Room 227