(2) The case is assigned to an SCAI staff member
Where a registered student organization is charged with sexual misconduct and/or interpersonal violence, the procedures outlined in UCF-5.006(10) will apply in addition to the procedures of the Student Conduct Review Process.
The Director of SCAI or designee may dismiss a case if it is found to not have sufficient facts or information to substantiate the claim of misconduct or the misconduct is not a violation of the organizational rules of conduct.
At the discretion of SCAI, violations found not to warrant a formal hearing may be referred to an informal hearing. At the informal hearing the charged student organization has the opportunity to accept responsibility for the charges of violation of the Organizational Rules of Conduct.
At the informal level the matter will be settled by the following outcomes: punitive sanction (Organizational Warning, Organizational Probation, Organizational Probation with Restrictions, or Deferred Organizational Suspension) as well as educational sanctions.
The outcomes from an informal hearing process (decision of responsibility and recommended sanctions) are final and are not eligible to be appealed (UCF-5.010).
If an alleged violation of the Organizational Rules of Conduct is not dismissed or otherwise resolved, then SCAI shall provide timely written notice of the charges to the registered student organization at least seven (7) business days before the formal hearing.
The charged registered student organization may request either a panel or administrative hearing.
The charged registered student organization’s hearing shall only be open to the charged registered student organization’s chief officer or designee; the charged registered student organizations’ advisor, advocate, or legal representative; representative from the National Office (if appropriate); the hearing body; witnesses (when called upon); a representative from SCAI; a legal representative for the university; and a university staff member from an appropriate office (Office of Student Involvement, Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life, Recreation and Wellness Center, etc.).
Depending on the nature and severity of the alleged violation, SCAI may recommend formal mediation through the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities as an alternative to disciplinary action. The involved parties must each agree to mediation.
In the event that the participants do not agree to mediate or mediate but do not reach a full and final resolution, the case will be referred back to SCAI for disciplinary action through an informal or a formal hearing.